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jennymok 發表於 2011-10-23 15:58

”黑夜”與” 曰光”的週期(關於睡眠時間)

在網上找到些關於睡眠的資料, 如睡眠不足會引起很多行為問題, 希望對大家有用啦!

Dark and Light Cycles For Birds
Obviously nobody wants to turn his or her bird into a sleep-deprived or cabin-fever suffering basket case. Fortunately, there are steps you can take modify the dark and light cycles <[url][/url] >for your pet birds to keep them healthy and happy. Sleep deprivation is a common component in problem behaviors that appear in companion birds. Excessive screaming, aggression, neurotic fear behaviors (often called phobic behaviors), and feather destruction are commonly associated with bird sleep deprivation.Avian veterinarians and bird behaviorists generally make the following recommendations:
”黑夜”與” 曰光”的週期(關於睡眠時間)

(1)Let your bird have 10 to 12 hours of sleep each night.
Most companion birds do best with between 10 and 12 hours of darkness a night. This is generality; some species do better with a little more than 12 hours of sleep, others like less than eight, but most need somewhere around the 10 to 12 hour mark.

The majority of parrots are tropical or subtropical, meaning they live near the equator where there are 12 hours of darkness every night,” noted Ken Welle, DVM, an avian veterinarian who practices in Illinois. In the wild, parrots are awake from sunrise to sunset, which amounts to about 12 hours on average, and sleep from sunset to sunrise the other 12 hours in the day.
伊利諾伊州的禽鳥獸醫, Ken Welle指出:“大多數的鸚鵡是熱帶或亞熱帶,這意味著他們生活在赤道附近,那裡每天晚上有12小時黑暗。在野外,鸚鵡從日出到日落是清醒的,平均約 12小時。而從日落到日出的12個小時是睡眠的。

Many pet parrots do well on a sunset-to-sunrise sleeping schedule; they get the amount of sleep they need, and they’re awake when nature designed them to be awake and asleep when nature designed them to be sleeping. Reality is a lot of bird owners are away at work all day and don’t get home until 5 or 6 o’clock in the evening, which during much of the year may be after it’s already gotten dark outside or just a short time before sunset. Obviously if these people “put their birds to bed” at sunset that doesn’t leave a lot of time for interacting.

You can let your birds stay up past sunset, “but then you’re going to need to allow them to sleep later in the morning,” said Julie Burge DVM, a veterinarian and bird breeder in Missouri. That means if you leave for work when it’s still dark in the morning, you shouldn’t turn on the lights in the room where you keep your parrots, nor should you disturb them in any way. Let them sleep as long as they can. Unless their cages are covered, birds usually awaken when the sun comes up. Keep in mind that your bird should have at least 10 hours of darkness, so if the sun rises at 6:30am, you should not keep your bird up past 8:30pm the night before.
在密蘇里州的一名獸醫和飼養員, Julie Burge說:“你可以讓你的鳥於黃昏後都不去睡覺,但你可讓他們早上遲些起床。這意味著,如果你在未天亮時已需外出工作,請不要在詞養鸚鵡的房間裡開燈,也不應以任何方式擾亂他們。讓他們能睡多久就多久。除非他們的籠子都巳用布蓋上,鳥通常在太陽升起時就清醒。記住,你的鳥應該有至少10小時的睡眠,所以,如果在太陽升起時間為6:30,你不應該讓你的鳥兒遲於8:30睡覺。

But, you may ask, what if you work 2nd shift or you’re taking night classes and you don’t get home until late at night? Your parrot may have been sleeping for several hours before you get home. Is it okay to wake him up so that you can interact with him a while? “Yes,” said Larry Nemetz, DVM, an exotics-only veterinarian in southern California. “Your parrots do not have to have 10 straight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. It’s okay to break up their sleep, especially if that’s the only way you can have time to play with them.”
但是你可能會問,如果你需輪班工作或你晚上要上課直至深夜才回家,您的鸚鵡可能已經睡了幾個小時。你可叫醒他與他互動玩耍一會兒嗎? 在加利福尼亞州南部的獸醫, Larry Nemetz說“是可以的,你的鸚鵡不必每天晚上有10小時不間斷的睡眠。睡眠時間是可間斷的,尤其是如果這是唯一的方式,你才有時間和他們一起玩耍。“

But that doesn’t mean you should suddenly wake them up from a deep sleep and immediately put your hands in their cage. If you do, you’re bound to be bitten. “Just turn on the lights, let them wake up slowly so they don’t freak out, and give them a half hour or so to gear up for some play,” Nemetz suggested. “Don’t just go in the bird room and startle them awake and expect them to immediately be ready to start playing with you.”
但是這並不意味著你可以突然把牠們從沉睡中叫醒,並立即把你的手伸入他們的籠子。如果你這樣做,您一定會被咬傷。 Nemetz建議先開燈讓他們慢慢醒來,使他們不會出現反常行為,並給他們半個小時時間清醒一下,不要嚇醒他們,並期望他們可立即開始與你玩耍。

Once the late-night play session is over with, most parrots have no problem going right back to sleep. Again, you should try to ensure your bird has 10 hours of darkness for sleeping, so if it has already been sleeping for five hours before you got home, make sure you don’t keep it up so late that it is not going to have five hours of darkness left for sleeping.

(2)Use sleep cages, cage covers or room-darkening blinds to help your bird sleep.
You may also need to take some steps to create an environment for your parrot that is more conducive for sleeping. Kim Bear, a parrot behavior consultant in Florida, recommends bird owners provide their parrot with a “sleep cage.” This would be a smaller cage that’s just used for sleeping.
您需要營造一個有利於睡眠的環境給你的鳥兒。在佛羅里達州的鸚鵡行為顧問, Kim Bear建議鳥主給他們的鸚鵡一個“睡眠籠” ,這是一個小小的籠子只用來睡覺。

The sleep cage should be put in a room that’s completely dark and quiet, where the bird is not going to be disturbed - such as a spare bedroom, laundry room or even a large walk-in closet. During the daytime the bird would be housed in its regular, larger cage or playgym in the family room, den or other highly trafficked part of the house. But when it’s time for the bird to go to sleep, it would be transferred to its sleep cage.

Bear said, “A lot of people keep their parrot next to their television in the family room, but oftentimes the parrot can’t get to sleep even if the lights are dimmed because there might be a lot of noise coming from the TV, the family might be talking or laughing, maybe people are coming and going, and so it makes a lot of sense to move the parrot to another part of the house at night where he’s not going to hear all that racket.”

“The cage cover prevents pet birds from seeing a lot of things that might startle them. You can use a dark towel or blanket to cover the cage or a specially made cage cover. (Note: For some birds, such as cockatiels, complete darkness may cause problems with night frights, and it may be necessary to leave part of their cages uncovered and plug in a night light to allow them to see.)

jennymok 發表於 2011-10-23 15:59


“The further away their home range is from the equator, the more seasonal changes are going to be significant,” said Don Harris, DVM, an avian veterinarian in Florida. So, if you’ve got a bird from one of the more temperate regions, it may need 10 hours of light and 14 hours of darkness in the winter months, and 14 hours of light and 10 hours of dark in the summer months. Some people go so far as to try to mimic the light/dark cycles of their birds’ home range, so they will gradually start shortening the days for their birds when moving from mid-summer to winter and lengthening the days when moving from mid-winter to summer. This is something you might want to try if you’ve got a species from one of the temperate regions. But if your bird is from the tropics, where the hours of light and darkness are even and consistent year-round, it probably won’t need the seasonal variation.

You may also want to modify the light/dark cycles, depending on whether you want to encourage or discourage “breeding mode” in your birds. If you’ve got a pair of birds and you wish to stimulate reproductive activity, Welle suggested you gradually increase day length from 10 hours daily to about 16 hours daily.

On the other hand, if your bird is exhibiting behavior problems related to reproductive hormones (this could be anything from aggressive biting in a sexually mature cockatoo or Amazon, to chronic egg laying in a cockatiel), Welle recommended limiting the bird to eight to 10 hours of light daily to try shut down those reproductive hormones. You will probably need to use room darkening blinds and/or cage covers to artificially bring-on nighttime earlier for these birds. This is something you would do on a temporary basis. Once the hormonally-related behavior has stopped (it may take several weeks or more to curtail the behavior), then you can gradually start lengthening the days back to what is normal for the bird.
另一方面,如果你的鳥兒出現繁殖期(因荷爾蒙產生) 的行為問題(例如成熟的葵花鸚鵡或亞馬遜可能出現的侵略性的咬人行為),建議限制鳥兒每天只有8至10小時的日光時間直至問題行為消失為止。你可能需要使用昏暗房間的百葉窗或籠布製造黑暗的效果。一旦有關的行為停止(可能需要幾個星期或以上),就可以逐漸開始延長曰光時間至正常水平。

(4)Provide natural sunlight or UV lighting
One final important consideration relating to photoperiod is the type of light your bird is exposed to. Ideally, pet birds should have some exposure to natural light every day. That requires them to actually go outdoors. “Indoor birds do not receive the benefits of the UV light emitted by the sun,” noted Gregory Burkett, DVM, an avian veterinarian in Durham, North Carolina. Most window glass is treated to prevent ultraviolet (UV) rays from passing through and [rays]do not reach the bird.

Exactly how much exposure to natural light do birds need? Harris recommended that pet birds get between four and six hours of unobstructed skylight a day, but if that’s not reasonable even a couple of hours a day outside will help. “The sun doesn’t have to directly hit the bird, but they have to have unobstructed sky,” Harris said. “Being outside under a tree is okay as long as the sky is visible. Being under a patio is OK too, as long as there is no screen between the bird and the sky.”

BoBoBoBo 發表於 2011-10-23 18:25

+:Good Job=+: Thanks Jenny!

楚峰 發表於 2011-10-24 01:21


jennymok 發表於 2011-10-24 09:59

我下次縮短d 啦, 我諗住跟足完文會好d, 可能有d人會睇英文verison, 我又擔心翻譯錯誤嘛!

kitkit441 發表於 2011-10-24 10:31

jenny,你既心機大家都感受到、多謝你實用的資料,期待你有空的下一篇文章,謝謝+:跪拜禮=+:+:Good Job=+:

bennyfung 發表於 2011-10-24 14:43

Jenny 真有心.

yimaggie 發表於 2011-10-24 15:29

睇完之後....我2隻雞尾要搬籠喇~!! thx~!! 升高去窗邊先有足夠自然光~!!

louisa20047 發表於 2011-10-24 15:33

[quote]睇完之後....我2隻雞尾要搬籠喇~!! thx~!! 升高去窗邊先有足夠自然光~!!
[size=2][color=#999999]yimaggie 發表於 2011-10-24 15:29[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/quote]

Zeta 發表於 2011-10-24 17:36

Thx Jenny for the information.

mavisweet 發表於 2011-10-24 17:58

+:Good Job=+:+:Good Job=+:+:Good Job=+:

jenny 你真係好有心機~~謝謝分享!!!!

小壞蛋 發表於 2011-10-24 20:30


yimaggie 發表於 2011-10-24 20:55

[size=2][color=#999999]louisa20047 發表於 2011-10-24 15:33[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/quote]

CHICKEN 發表於 2011-10-25 00:04


hjtdjr 發表於 2015-10-30 22:19

Thanks Jenny!

cwlfjoe 發表於 2016-1-3 00:06

好有用, 特別係對於好似我咁既新手好有幫助

chiwai626 發表於 2017-11-22 16:54

[quote]我下次縮短d 啦, 我諗住跟足完文會好d, 可能有d人會睇英文verison, 我又擔心翻譯錯誤嘛!
[size=2][color=#999999]jennymok 發表於 2011-10-24 09:59[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/quote]


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