PARROT-TREE's Archiver

發達鳥 發表於 2014-3-28 01:50

不知樹友們可有聽過或到過”Exuma”這地方呢 ?

巴哈馬是加中美洲 勒比海十分聞名的度假勝地,也是全世界公認最美的度假去處之一,由散布在佛羅里達外海至海地,綿延960公里的七百多座珊瑚礁島、岩礁島組成,擁有堪稱世界一流的海灘美景與無污染的湛藍海水、珊瑚礁。著名觀光點包括首都拿索、自由港、天堂島、安卓斯島、聖薩爾瓦多島等地。 而Exuma 是巴哈馬羣島嘅一個地區,包括360個島或珊瑚島. 其中一個島上有些不明來歷的大豬和小豬會在沙灘上向遊客討吃更會在海灘的淺水區與遊客游玩.  不知樹友們可有聽過或到過 ”Exuma” 這個地方呢 ?



There is an island where humans and pigs hang out and swim together in crystal clear waters. Where happy pigs run all along the beach, giving it its nickname - Pig Beach. Its actual name is Big Major Cay Island, in the Bahamas.

Personally, I'd call it 'heaven'. The pigs are friendly, and love getting snacks from the people who come to the island. In return, the humans get to play with the adorable free pigs. And the funniest thing is - no one knows how the pigs got on this island, there are stories of shipwrecks and other possible explanations, but the truth is unknown.

燉雪梨 發表於 2014-3-28 11:12


風中飛鸚 發表於 2014-3-28 15:56



OnOn 發表於 2014-3-29 20:35


養鳥新丁 發表於 2014-4-2 16:28


在國內坐長途的士~如果怕司機唔識路~你去任何天涯海角~司機都話果 ...
[size=2][color=#999999]風中飛鸚 發表於 2014-3-28 15:56[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/quote]


drdoom 發表於 2014-4-6 23:35


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