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CTL 發表於 2014-7-4 20:55


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[在加拿大BC省Nelson鎮水電廠附近一個離地70尺的鳥巢, 五月來了Nelson & Nellie一對魚鷹,在6月12,14,15日孵化出3隻健康小鷹,本來非常快樂,Nelson每天都捕捉三紋魚合力飼養小鷹.
好景不常, 20/6爸爸Nelson出去捕魚一去不返, 四母子在巢叫不傑停口
一連叫乞到23/6都沒有回來, 四口餓了四天, 23日雀媽俟不了餓, 終於離巢親自捕得一條小魚,回家總算填肚.
原來 20/6 Nelson捕獲大魚回家途中撞擊著高空高壓電纜,當晚Nelson 水力發電廠人員發現該鳥屍體連一條大魚.
果然見效.可惜最少的小鷹因餓在24/6死亡.....剩下Nel & Tag.

CTL 發表於 2014-7-4 23:29

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餓了數天瘦骨嶙峋,Nel黑 & Tag等待食, 25/6雀媽見到有魚在附近立即取回大口餵食, 兩小總算有得糊口,


可是,自1/7雀媽不知何故,不取魚,自己不食,小鷹叫不停都不理,亦不再保護小孩. Tag終於在2/7晚上餓死.


CTL 發表於 2014-7-4 23:57

此事件一時轟動全城, 終於在拯救鳥獸孤兒團的協助下,將Nel在今天香港時間 21.30拯救出來,希望在治療完畢放置在其他一至兩隻小鷹巢穴, 由義父母教飛及覓得技術,秋天一併飛去過冬.

CTL 發表於 2014-7-5 10:00

[i=s] 本帖最後由 CTL 於 2014-7-5 10:02 編輯 [/i]

Nelson Hydro and our local bird biologist have become increasingly concerned over the last few days about feeding deficiencies for the Osprey. Since the second chick died, the female has become increasingly reluctant to accept fish that were delivered to her. Fish delivery was adjusted from every 2 days, to once a day, and when the hot weather arrived, twice daily. As of yesterday evening there was at least 2 days that no feeding by the female occurred, which prompted us to consider intervention.

We decided that we would attempt one more feeding last night with fresh fish, and check this morning to see whether any had been taken. As a backup plan, we put an intervention plan in place to be ready if needed. At 6:30 this morning we confirmed our fears that the female had not delivered the chick any food last night. With another hot day coming up, severe and irreversible dehydration was very likely.

In line with previous conversations with our biologist, we decided to intervene. A local representative of a sanctuary/rehabilitation institution in Delta BC ("O.W.L.'s") had previously agreed to be on site this morning during our feeding tray check, prepared to accept the chick if need be. On confirmation that no feeding had taken place last night, Nelson Hydro decided that recovering the chick and placing it under "O.W.L." care would be the best available option.

This was done utilizing a large bucket truck and a local utility arborist. The arborist gently removed the chick, placing it into a pillowcase and then inside a hard shell bucket. The chick was brought down and handed over to the local representative from O.W.L. She was prepared to re-hydrate using injections, but decided to see if the bird would eat first, preferring to rehydrate it naturally. The chick ate ravenously and seemed to be fairly strong after eating, so the injection method was put on hold.

By 7:30 this morning the O.W.L. rep and well fed chick were on their way to the Trail airport, with the chick having a free ticket courtesy of Pacific Coastal Air to Vancouver, where it will be picked up by another O.W.L. rep and taken to their Delta rehabilitation facility (more information is available on their web site [url][/url])

The female returned to the nest after we left the site, but does not appear to be any more despondent or concerned than yesterday. It is hoped that she will now concentrate on feeding herself, and then look for a new mate in preparation for next year's mating season.

Nelson Hydro wishes to graciously thank all those that participated by volunteering their time and equipment during the course of this venture ; Hydro employees, Hydro tree contractor R.O.G, Columbia Wireless, the City of Nelson IT Dept, Cranbrook Ministry of Environment staff, our local bird biologist, our West Kootenay Conservation Officer in Nelson, the O.W.L. organization, Pacific Coastal Air, those people that delivered fish to us, and all the people that followed the footage on the webcam.

Without your eager participation our success would surely have been diminished. Please join in wishing good luck to the little one!

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CTL 發表於 2014-7-5 10:36

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CTL 發表於 2014-7-6 00:53

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[b][size=4][color=DarkRed]Nel 在孤兒院生活的第一天[/color][/size][/b]

Nellie今天回到原巢, 孤獨站在一傍,可惜兒女不在,希望她安靜後找到配偶, 8月底南飛,明年再育幼鷹.

CTL 發表於 2014-7-6 01:13


CTL 發表於 2014-7-6 10:37

Nellie at 5-7 morning

CTL 發表於 2014-7-6 15:21

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19-6 悲劇發生前,父母勤奮修築巢穴,三嬰玩耍的快樂情景


發達鳥 發表於 2014-7-7 02:27

好慘的悲劇啊! [attach]48433[/attach] 可憐的雀媽頓失所有. 家園盡滅枯苦零汀.  我看後內心真的很難過不禁使我聯想起來一些因意外失去家庭枝柱的現實悲劇. 希望雀媽能夠振作捱過難關.  更希望工作人員將Nel治療完畢能按計劃替牠找到義父母.

CTL 發表於 2014-7-7 11:43

[i=s] 本帖最後由 CTL 於 2014-7-7 11:49 編輯 [/i]

Nellie 現況
她這兩天早上五,6時回守巢, 整理地方,時而低頭沈思,時而呆若木雞,時而不停叫(索食或喚丈夫/情人).停留兩小時後離開, 下午5時再回.其他時間不見.(可能站在附近樹上或覓食)她堅守自己巢穴.

發達鳥 發表於 2014-7-9 02:22


真難為Nellie親目自己愛兒被帶走. 好戥Nellie難過. 好慘 好慘 [attach]48439[/attach]

發達鳥 發表於 2014-7-9 02:23


真難為Nellie親目自己愛兒被帶走. 好戥Nellie難過. 好慘 好慘 [attach]48439[/attach]

CTL 發表於 2014-7-9 11:00

Nel 這幾天很食得, 每天多重30克.已400多克了.

CTL 發表於 2014-7-9 20:04

[i=s] 本帖最後由 CTL 於 2014-7-9 20:11 編輯 [/i]

9/7 當地時間4.45, Nellie返回舊巢, 隨後有一隻新來的登巢, 即時整頓巢穴, 可能是新歡.

CTL 發表於 2014-7-9 23:19

[b]Nelson 雀巢新進展[/b]
今朝Nellie引進新歡, 整理巢穴, 不久,凝視2/7 死亡Tag的屍體一會兒, 用爪抓起屍體飛去, 不知有何意思?

發達鳥 發表於 2014-7-10 02:38

雖然兩鸚均沒有腳環但同意九成是Nellie帶同新歡整理巢穴. 真的想知道Nellie是怎樣處理Tag的屍體.

CTL 發表於 2014-7-11 12:55


發達鳥 發表於 2014-7-18 02:55

前幾天我抽時間上網追回看一些舊片段. 看到 Nellie 數次在鳥巢旁取了保育工作人員放置的魚後向Nel 和 Tag 餵食的過程. 從中了解到 Tag 身體瘦弱捱不過去之原因. 每當雀媽取魚餵食時Nel會搶先爭吃同時又不停用咀狠狼地啄向Tag 阻止牠接近雀媽.  直至Nel 牠自己吃得半飽後才容 Nellie向Tag 餵食. 體形細小又站不穩腳的 Tag只能在搖晃不定情況下與Nel爭吃. 因Tag的咀較細小所以較大塊的魚肉吃不下.  魚骨較大的也吃不下. 所以大部份魚肉也是跌在巢旁.  最終可憐的 Tag 捱不住餓死. 好可憐好慘.[attach]48465[/attach][attach]48465[/attach][attach]48465[/attach]

CTL 發表於 2014-7-20 17:19

[i=s] 本帖最後由 CTL 於 2014-7-20 17:28 編輯 [/i]

還記得4/7獲救小鷹Nel嗎?今天是38日大,工作人員剪細鮮魚牠可以自己進食,而且有義母(一隻受傷女魚鷹)為模範,學習進展良好, 雖然體重近1000 gm,
但與同齡相比還欠700 gm. 下相是 19/7 (37日)相片.


CTL 發表於 2014-7-22 21:53

OWL今天接受溫哥華電視台特約訪問, 當中7.00至9.00分鐘時段介紹Nel的獲救過程及今天現況,

發達鳥 發表於 2014-7-26 01:42

小鷹 Nel 真幸運還當小明星.

CTL 發表於 2014-7-29 01:09

[color=Sienna][b]27-7 Nel 近照[/b][/color]

發達鳥 發表於 2014-8-4 15:01

不知工作人員稍後會否讓魚鷹義母和小鷹Nel 一併放回大自然讓 Nel 學習飛行及覓食技能呢 ?

CTL 發表於 2014-8-4 23:01

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發達鳥 發表於 2014-8-8 02:18

環境很好啊....還有鮮魚養在池塘. 如果有鏡頭攝錄可以看到義母和 Nel 的i生活和學習片段就更好了.

CTL 發表於 2014-8-8 13:38

7/8 OWL發佈Nel的近照(成長56天).

發達鳥 發表於 2014-8-15 20:37


CTL 發表於 2014-8-17 22:24

今年應該在OWL中心度過. 義母受傷未愈.

CTL 發表於 2014-8-21 11:08

[b]Nel 學習捕捉活魚[color=SandyBrown][/color][/b]

CTL 發表於 2014-8-25 23:23

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[color=DarkOrange]Nel 的近況[/color]
24/8,Nel及義母一起搬遷到有魚池的新居, 雖然發育較遲,但生長得很壯,已開始拍翼學飛了.現在可以學義母捕魚,相信明年可以自己覓食自由飛翔.

CTL 發表於 2014-8-27 22:33

[b]Nel 識飛了[color=Sienna][/color][/b].
26/8, Nel 搬到魚池的新居第三天,開始了牠的處女飛行.

發達鳥 發表於 2014-9-3 02:12

相信Nel 暫時尚未有捕捉水底撻沙魚的技能吧.

Osprey -- the ultimate fisher


CTL 發表於 2014-9-17 00:17

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NEL自2/7獲救至今已72天了,義母教導她進食,捕魚,飛行及爪樹,進步神速,體重亦達1750 克標準重量, OWL機構決定在南遷時候送回 Nelson原產地,以便隨同類一起遷移.

發達鳥 發表於 2014-9-17 01:49

Goodbye and good luck to NEL. [attach]48576[/attach] 明年再見了.

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