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剛看到一篇關於不同鸚鵡品種的飲食需要, 希望對大家有用, 巳盡可能跟原作翻譯, 錯誤的地方請更正!!
Sourced from Bird Channel

African grey parrots frequently suffer from calcium deficiency. An avian veterinarian can perform a blood test to measure your African grey’s calcium levels. Almonds and broccoli are good sources of calcium for your bird. Use calcium supplements only on the advice of your avian veterinarian. Feather picking in African greys may be linked to a deficiency of the amino acid arginine, and the presence of red feathers where gray ones would normally appear may be due to a deficiency of lysine. Improving your African grey’s overall nutrition may alleviate both conditions.

Amazon, caiques and Pionus parrots are prone to obesity and fatty liver disease. Premature deaths are often due to heart problems, fatty tumors or atherosclerosis. Just as people do, birds develop health problems attributable to diet. Amazons in particular, often become junk-food junkies, almost instinctively recognizing potato chip bags and pizza boxes. Plenty of exercise and a carefully monitored diet are recommended for these potential perch potatoes!
亞馬遜、 Caiques 和 Pionus 鸚鵡很容易肥胖及出現脂肪肝。過早死亡往往是由於心臟問題、 脂肪瘤或動脈硬化。就像人一樣,鳥類都會因為飲食而出現健康問題。特別是,亞馬遜經常成為垃圾食品的愛好者,幾乎本能地認識到薯片袋和比薩餅盒。建議加大牠們的活動量和嚴密監視牠們的飲食習慣。

Budgies (budgerigars or parakeets) often suffer from obesity, fatter liver disease, goiter and hypothyroidism due to poor diets. Encourage your budgie to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables along with a formulated diet. Budgies often resist converting to a pelleted diet. Introduce a more healthful menu by clipping pellets and biscuits intended for larger birds to cage bars. Watch your little guy gnaw on them!
彩鳳 常患肥胖症、 脂肪肝、 甲狀腺腫和甲狀腺功能減退, 都是歸疚於不良飲食習慣。鼓勵牠們要吃大量的新鮮水果和蔬菜。 Budgies 經常抗拒合成糧。

Cockatiels are prone to vitamin-A deficiencies and fatty liver disease. Supply your cockatiel with plenty of vitamin-A rich fruit and vegetables, and incorporate pellets into their diet. Kale, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes and mangoes are good sources of vitamin A.
鷄尾很容易患上維他命A缺乏症與脂肪肝。可供應充足的維他命A水果和蔬菜及配合合成糧作主糧。Kale (椰菜的一種)、 西蘭花、 胡蘿蔔、 紅薯和芒果都具有豐富的維他命A。

Conures need a diet rich in vitamin K (turnip greens, broccoli, eggs, and peas).
錐尾鸚鵡 (例如太陽鸚鵡) 需要豐富的維他命 K (例如青蘿蔔、 西蘭花、 雞蛋和豌豆)。

Eclectus parrots thrive on diets rich in beta-carotene and vegetable protein and need a high dose of vitamin A, derived from whole-natural foods. They are hyper-chromatic, so don’t feed them colored pellets, give them the natural ones.

Macaws. Hyacinth macaws need hard-shelled nuts in their diets, such as palm nuts. Florida residents can collect these from their unsprayed palm trees. The macaw parrots are attracted to colors, so offer a variety of colors and textures in their food. Fun foods like peas in the pods, green beans, yams and oranges keep macaws entertained. Give them a varied diet offering seeds, fruits, nuts, legumes and vegetables.
金剛鸚鵡。紫藍金剛鸚鵡飲食上需要堅硬的果仁,如棕櫚果仁。佛羅里達州居民可以從棕櫚樹上收集。金剛鸚鵡係容易被顏色吸引的,所以可提供多種顏色和質地的食物。例如豌豆莢、 青豆、 山藥、橙都可令牠們覺得有趣及娛樂性。可給他們種子、 水果、 堅果、 豆類和蔬菜等多樣化的飲食。

我會揾, 但internet 上實在太多info, need time to consolidate!!


有時間的話我會盡量翻譯各位的愛雀品種,give me some time!


Louis, 如果網上的資料唔正確, 我咪好心做壞事? 請問哪個website的info 比較正確d呢? 我主要睇Bird Channel的!

