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(1) Avocado (toxic) - Keep all avocado products, including guacamole, away from your parrots. The skin and pit of avocados have been known to cause cardiac distress and eventually heart failure in pet birds.
牛油果(有毒)- 將所有牛油果製品,包括牛油果沙拉醬遠離我們的鸚鵡。誤食牛油果的皮和核會令寵物鳥心臟痛楚,最引發終心臟衰竭。

(2) Chocolate (toxic) - We all love chocolate but this is a definite treat NOT to share with your bird. They get what is known as "chocolate poisoning" which first will affect the bird's digestive system and cause vomiting and diarrhea. As the condition advances, their central nervous system is affected, causing seizures and eventually death.
朱古力(有毒)- 绝不能與你的鳥分享。如”朱古力中毒”首先會影響鳥的消化系統,導致嘔吐和腹瀉。隨著病情的進展,其中樞神經系統將受影響,引起癲癇發作並最終死亡。

(3) Tomato leaves, vines, stems (toxic) - While it is perfectly fine to give your bird a tomato to eat, the stems, vines and leaves are highly toxic to them. Any time you give them a tomato, make sure it has been washed and sliced, with all green parts removed.
番茄的葉、藤及莖(有毒)- 你可以給你的寵物鳥吃番茄,但番茄必須洗淨,切除所有綠色部分,因番茄的莖、藤和葉都有劇毒。

(4) Coffee / Caffeinated beverages - Coffee, soda, tea and other caffeinated beverages are extremely hazardous to your bird's health. Caffeine causes cardiac malfunction in birds and is linked to increased heartbeat, arrhythmia, hyperactivity and cardiac arrest. Share some fruit or vegetable juice with your bird instead.
咖啡/含咖啡因的飲料 - 咖啡、汽水、茶和其他含有咖啡因的飲料對鳥是非常危險的。咖啡因會導致鳥患心臟疾病,並令心跳加快,心律失常、過度活躍和心臟停頓。可與你的鳥多分享一些果汁或蔬菜汁。

(5) Alcoholic beverages - Responsible and caring bird owners would never think of giving their bird an alcoholic beverage, but remember our birds do roam around our homes and have been known to help themselves to food and drink. Alcohol poisoning can be fatal as alcohol depresses the organ systems of birds. Keep all alcoholic beverages far away and out of reach of your bird.
酒精飲料 - 負責和關懷的主人絕不會給他們的寵物鳥酒精飲料,但請記住我們的鳥在家可周圍走動,並會為自己找食品和飲料。乙醇中毒可致命的,因為酒精會抑制鳥類器官系統。請把含酒精飲料遠離你的鳥可接觸的地方。

(6) Dried Beans (toxic) - Raw, dry beans can be extremely harmful to your bird. Uncooked beans contain hemaglutin, a poison that is very toxic to birds. Make sure to thoroughly cook any beans before giving to your parrots.
乾豆(有毒)- 未煮過的、乾的豆類是極其有害的。未煮過的豆類中含有血球凝集素,對鳥兒是非常有害的。如要給你的鳥兒吃請一定要徹底煮熟。

(7) Pits or seed of many fruits - many seeds and pits of fruits, such as apples, cherries, pears, peaches and apricots, contain trace amounts of Cyanide and should NOT be given to your bird. Share the fruit part but also be conscious that there may be pesticides on the fruit's skin. Thoroughly wash and core fruit before giving it to your bird.
水果的核或種子 - 許多水果的核或種子,如蘋果、櫻桃、梨、桃,杏子,含有微量的氰化物,不應該給你的鳥兒。最好只分享果肉的部分及徹底清洗果皮,避免農藥鳥兒造成傷害。

(8) High-fat, fried, salty or high-sugar foods - these foods can cause multiple health problems in birds. Salty or high-sugar foods cause such problems as dehydration, excessive thirst, kidney dysfunction and death. High fat in the bird's diet leads to obesity and may result in lipomas (fatty tumors), lipemia (fat in the blood), and hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease).
高脂肪、油炸、過鹹或高糖食物 - 這些食物可能會導致多種健康問題。太鹹或高糖的食物會導致脫水,過度口渴,腎功能不全及死亡等問題。如鳥有高脂肪的飲食習慣,會導致肥胖,可能會引致脂肪瘤,高脂血症(血液中的脂肪),和肝脂沉積症(脂肪肝疾病)。

(9) Mushrooms - A type of fungus, mushrooms have been known to cause digestive problems in birds. It has also been found that the caps and stems of some mushroom varieties can cause liver failure.
蘑菇 -菌類植物的一種,蘑菇可導致消化問題。也發現一些蘑菇的頂部和莖可引致肝功能衰竭。

(10) Onions - Limited amounts are generally regarded as acceptable; but excessive consumption of onions cause vomiting, diarrhea and other digestive problems in birds.
洋蔥 - 少量的洋葱一般是可以接受的,但過量食用可引起嘔吐、腹瀉和消化系統竽問題。

(11) Nutmeg - this spice contains a narcotic called myristicin, while not usually a problem for humans as we only eat tiny quantities at a time; a bird that consumes nutmeg, suffers from dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
肉荳蔻 - 這種香料含有麻醉成份稱為肉荳蔻醚,人類吃小量不會構成太大的問題,但鳥兒吃了,會有頭暈、噁心及嘔吐的徵狀。

(12) Peanuts - these nuts are often contaminated with aflatoxin, a fungal toxin. Aflatoxin is carcinogenic and causes liver damage in birds, squirrels, and no doubt other animals as well. Roasting the peanuts reduces aflatoxin but does not eliminate it entirely.
花生 - 這些果仁容易受黃曲霉毒素及真菌毒素污染。黃曲霉毒素是致癌物質,並會導致鳥、松鼠及其他動物的肝臟受損。烤花生可降低黃曲霉毒素,但不能完全消除。
