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As of 2010, 鸚鵡係唔可以移民澳洲. Please see..

http://www.sevenparrots.com/Orig ... thParrots/Index.htm

The following is an extract from Biosecurity Australia (Live Animal Imports – Horses, Livestock and Birds) in 2010.

- Live parrots are currently not permitted entry into Australia from anywhere other than New Zealand.

- Import conditions have not been developed for the importation of live parrots from any other country.

- Biosecurity Australia is the agency responsible for risk assessment of new commodities.

- Please note that once any risk assessment process starts, it is likely to take a period of years to complete.

- Risk assessments are completed on a work priority basis, and it may take some years for a commodity to start being assessed. This request would need to go through the import access request system by way of Import Market Access Advisory Group (IMAAG).

- Parrots are listed as Priority A for assessment by Biosecurity Australia but are not on the 2010 work plan. Conditions will not be finalised for at least 12 months, and possibly much longer.
提姆那灰鸚鵡 -- 寶寶
剛果灰鸚鵡 -- 晴晴


本帖最後由 JoeLee 於 2012-10-4 19:18 編輯

同我一樣, 唔好返澳洲.

你有所不知. 澳洲的 Pet shop 只可賣彩鳳等細雀.  

養葵花的主人仲慘. 莫講一般雀鳥唔可以進入澳洲. 澳洲係唔准人在當地私自養葵花.澳洲人覺得葵花係 wildlife. 偷偷養會俾鄰居告密.警察就拉人.
提姆那灰鸚鵡 -- 寶寶
剛果灰鸚鵡 -- 晴晴


留响HK仲好啦! 澳洲d稅咁重, 省下嘅錢可以洗响晴晴、寶寶身上!!
jennymok 發表於 2012-10-4 19:36

提姆那灰鸚鵡 -- 寶寶
剛果灰鸚鵡 -- 晴晴


21# Tanashi

我估澳洲的breeders以前係有辦法入倒外地的鸚鵡。從此就可在澳洲境內繁殖。從網上得知, 佢哋出售灰鸚的價錢係AUD 5,500 一隻。相當於香港價錢的6倍!

澳洲人要protect佢地D local wildlife 所以一路都唔俾外地動植物入境。當然有很多人反對。不過因為反對的人多是養貓狗的,所以澳洲政府肯為貓狗譲步。不過養鸚鵡的人相對就少很多了,未能俾政府足夠壓力,所以澳洲只俾貓狗入境,鸚鵡就唔得。可悲!
提姆那灰鸚鵡 -- 寶寶
剛果灰鸚鵡 -- 晴晴


很人話澳洲Victoria省係准外地鸚鵡入境. Please see...
http://www.fluffies.org/en/afric ... ralia-vt355-15.html
提姆那灰鸚鵡 -- 寶寶
剛果灰鸚鵡 -- 晴晴


本帖最後由 JoeLee 於 2012-10-7 10:27 編輯

20# Tanashi

New Zealand 的法例比澳洲簡單直接。
New Zealand 的法例係:”唔准 Parrot 入境”。
提姆那灰鸚鵡 -- 寶寶
剛果灰鸚鵡 -- 晴晴

