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請問各位知不知道非洲灰鸚鵡移民澳洲的資料? 有沒有樓主試过呢?  鸚鵡移民像罕有呀!
  Thank you for yr attention.
我叫 BINGO, 喺大埔松仔園出世"0架"

多謝多謝晒呀, 各路英雄比咗咁宝貴的意見!  原来都有d 澳洲幫 喎.
  Having read that link which provided by Mr. JoeLee, 我覺得 parrot rehoming 真係 so sad 喇, 腦海中 "叮" 了一声, via New Zealand may be ok 喎.  日後要 take action 嘅話, 会從這条線 follow up, 反正 aud rate 咁勁, 留在HK 也不錯, 仲有咁多熱心的 parrot-tree 網友"潻"... 借問声, Ms JennyMok 係咪都係 Aussie 呀?
btw, 以前辦小狗往 Perth, even 手続多些, 在 Pet 移民公司的協助下, 加埋果边 30 days' 検役, 都算順利 settled down;At quarantine ctr 接佢果一刻, 永世難忘, 亦感謝当年的我, 冇捨牠而去 (even 現已蒙主重召了!) It return HK 仲方便, simply body checked 便 ok (当地冇 rabies, 几年間預防針都慳番, 仲估 parrot 移民也一样 tim, 呢鋪真係太天真, ヌ太傻了..  
p.s. 若可循 New Zealand to Aus, 已預咗陪牠"坐監"呀!  "希望在明天" , 只要與 Bingo 同在..
我叫 BINGO, 喺大埔松仔園出世"0架"


17# JoeLee

Aus 真怪, 佢哋都有 African Grey Breeders 啦, 但又咁 strict 對 outsiders.
我叫 BINGO, 喺大埔松仔園出世"0架"


要補番句"国有国法, 家有家規", 有什麼得罪, 請多多包涵!
我叫 BINGO, 喺大埔松仔園出世"0架"


收到晒..要轉線..轉去research of Victoria, 文中说 get a permit and aud 1600 around MAYBE possible (as of 2005' info.).. 咁简单?? 真係做落先知囉.
我叫 BINGO, 喺大埔松仔園出世"0架"


26# macbrush

Having read your past post, i remember your grey 不太願意出 cage 玩, 我有冇記错呀?  if no, 牠近況如何呀?  仲係咪 cage-bound 呀?
我叫 BINGO, 喺大埔松仔園出世"0架"


I eventually discovered that he's not cage bound, he was simply afraid of standing on anything that's not stable.

30# Tanashi
macbrush 發表於 2012-10-8 02:23

so good to hear that it have a happy out-of-cage time!
我叫 BINGO, 喺大埔松仔園出世"0架"


根據今年l月尾資料 (re live import list, p.15 of 32), 現在准入境喎, 條件:

1. 非商業用途
2.  micro-chipped
3. DNA sample kept
我叫 BINGO, 喺大埔松仔園出世"0架"


我叫 BINGO, 喺大埔松仔園出世"0架"

